Homicide Center

A unique, volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization
addressing the issue of homicide in our communities.
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Surveillance of Dead Bodies

Before searching for murdered bodies or human remains, it is useful to examine where bodies are allowed in society–where bodies should be–and where they should not. This report gathers very divergent information on where to expect and not expect discovery of human remains and should be read by anyone engaged...

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LGBT Homicide Infographic 2024

This infographic is authored May 2024 by Audriaunna Wylie. References [1] Drake, D. (2004). Recognizing gay homicide. Center for Homicide Research. https://homicidecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07Research_Brief_Recognizing_Gay_Homicide.pdf [2] Rosario, R. (2012, January 7). Ruben Rosario: Haunted by one killing, researcher studies thousands. Twin Cities. Ruben Rosario: Haunted by one killing, researcher studies thousands [3] Drake,...

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Disaster Criminology Used to Investigate Minneapolis 2020 Homicide Wave 

A Minneapolis non-fatal shooting in summer of 2021 at 13th & Lake St. E., Police performed CPR until the Paramedics arrived (Photo by Dallas Drake). Minneapolis  was  struck  by  two  co-occurringdisasters  in  2020.  First  on  March  6th   thepresident announced COVID-19 had appearedin the United States and soon Minnesota haddeveloped lethal...

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Center Conducts 2017 LGBT+ Conceal & Carry Survey

Researchers attending the Summer Research Institute attended the 2017 Twin Cities Pride Festival June 24-25 to proctor a novel conceal & carry survey aimed at eliciting the observations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people about their stance on firearms for self-defense. A previous survey found that only 15% of...

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The Center for Homicide Research offers one of the finest internship programs in the United States. Distanced-based electronic internships begin in Fall of 2020. Qualifying students come from undergraduate, graduate and law schools.

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