Homicide Center

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addressing the issue of homicide in our communities.
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Resources for Police and Law Enforcement

The mission of the Center for Homicide Research is to develop research that will assist in increasing the solvability of all homicide cases. To that end, the Center is developing wide-ranging expertise on the topic of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender homicide. The Center’s expertise may aid in active homicide investigation. To access the brief, …

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Handbook of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Administration and Policy

© 2004 Marcel Dekker A new book from publisher Marcel Dekker (now Taylor & Francis)  includes significant contributions by Center for Homicide Research’s principal researcher Dallas Drake about criminal justice and homicide in the GLBT community. The book, Handbook of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Trans-gender Administration and Policy, edited by Wallace Swan, was published in January …

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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Civil Rights: A Public Policy Agenda for Uniting a Divided America

Called, “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Civil Rights: A Public Policy Agenda for Uniting a Divided America,” this book is now available. It is edited by Wallace Swan and published by Taylor & Francis. One chapter authored by Dallas Drake of the Center for Homicide Research is titled: “Understanding Economic Power Dynamics as a Method to Combat …

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Civil Rights: A Public Policy Agenda for Uniting a Divided America Read More »

Behavioral Patterns in the Body Disposals of Female Intimate-Partners

This 14-page research report is “law-enforcement sensitive,” meaning that it is not available to the general public. Based on 150 homicide cases where female intimates were murdered and then disposed of (and later found), this report lays out a detailed account of how offenders disposed of bodies or human remains. Common and uncommon patterns were …

Behavioral Patterns in the Body Disposals of Female Intimate-Partners Read More »

Intimate Partner Homicide-Suicide: The Role of Media in Depicting Life-Ending Events

A special program of the Center for Homicide Research involves the opportunity to become an Associate Researcher. This allows serious academic researchers to obtain the technical and material support of the Center for select independent projects. Susan McCormick Hadley, a student at Fielding Graduate University, pursued her doctoral dissertation with us during the 2013-14 year. …

Intimate Partner Homicide-Suicide: The Role of Media in Depicting Life-Ending Events Read More »

Beyond “The Perfect Murder”: The Public Health Model In Contemporary Open-Data Journalism

The nature of mass media has changed from a centralized model of traditional journalism to a decentralized model heavily based on open-data and instantaneous social media communication. The Center for Homicide Research examined the issue of whether new forms of media follow best practices for reporting on and providing information on homicide. Researchers hypothesized that traditional …

Beyond “The Perfect Murder”: The Public Health Model In Contemporary Open-Data Journalism Read More »